Monday, April 13, 2009

Study time

Sitting in a coffee shop trying to study, but three 15-16 year oldish kids are just too loud, sing, scream and dont even care that theres other people around trying to do work!! Yes Im OLD and I just want to throw my half-full cup coffee at them and scream SHUT UP! no one cares if theres one hair in your nose that is longer than the other ffs!

Anyhow, seriously you see and hear so much at a coffee shop. People gossip about lots off things. But this is the worst part! There were two women sitting next to me a while ago. Both had coffee and were sitting and chatting. One of the women went to the toilet and the other one who was left reached her hand out to the other womans coffee cup, drank it quickly and put it back again, and then again after like 30 second reach out and almost finished her coffee and as she heard the door open from the toilet she quickly put it down HAHA! The other one kinda seemed surprised of the amount that was sad is that

The weather is wonderful! But I have to sit inside. The battery on this laptop only last me like 30 minutes!Poor fucker been thru so much with me. All of my things break, my parents hesitate to lend me anything anymore they dont trust my hands that seems to crush everything that is expensive and electronic :(


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