Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Evening

What is wrong with my sleeping rythm? I couldnt sleep yesterday, my brain was going 360 km per hour! I think I had waaay to strong coffee, usually I dont react that much to coffeeine but this coffee couldve knocked a Horse out. I could find 50 p and could continue having my laptop alive!

I have this "project" going on in lack of another definition, I dont really wanna write about it now because it fucks up all the time, one second it is YES it might work and the other second its a Big NO. So, yesterday (more like 5-6 oclock this morning) was a YES, until i did some research and it quickly became a NO. For Gods Sake. Make up your mind! Anyhow today its a MAYBE... Now it will take a couple of days to see if it is a Yes or a No and this time its the final Answer... Hate this, I hate the feeling of having something snatched outta your hands and the walking in darkness waiting for answers!

I finally fell asleep at 8-9 this morning,which means I slept away half of the day...I'm back to my AWFUL habbits NOOO! Now ive eatin my "breakfast" just about to finish my coffee and open up my books. I cant believe I will be indoors until JUNE!! doing essays and revising for my exams the thought of it makes me LOCA! But seriously I'll be the palest person alive and lack Vitamin D! I'll turn into one of these things:

Essay Calling!

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