Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wonderful outside!

Hey! Just got back from a day in the sunshine, sort of. Started my day rolling down to Tescos to buy some food, my fridge is empty! Anyhow, then I went to Starbucks bought one of those frappuccinos... If you get one get the Mango flavoured, Rasberry is shit (not shit but not as good)

so there I was sitting at their table outside, with my books... near the motorway...not a good combo so I went to another coffee shop and got myself a coffee indoors this time without the fumes and roaring engines... No... Didnt work either! AAGH
Well atleast the wheather was Great!
Ah fuck it. So now I'm exam is 2morro and Ive had like 1 hour of revision...Life is fucking great. Thank god for multiple choice questions that make up 30 % of the exam... My plan is Guessing on those and just focus on writing about 1 essay instead of 2! If im lucky I will pass, haha I swear sometimes I wonder what I'm doin at Uni... But it's only 1 year left efter tuesday afternoon it will be the happiest day in a long time. This semester has been HEAVY and psychologically challenging in all aspects.


  1. hahaha opps, ja läste mitt inlägg idag och jag insåg not att ja låter lite snobbigt, inte menat så, var trött när jaskrev inlägget:P haah lyssna e alltid en bra egenskap :) är du bered för provet nu ? allt kommer nog gå bra ska du se;)

  2. jag såååååååååååååå kan det där leken om att gissa sig fram på proven om det är multiple questions:P

    Vem är blottare, lite förvirrad? *kliar på huuvet*

  3. mmm den ser god ut men ja måste tyvärr bojkotta Star bucks:P U can do it, se till o vila lite innan, vilken tid e provet?
