Never made it for 10, woke up about 20 minutes ago. My body wasnt having less than 8 hours of sleep! Just had breakfast, Pizza (reduced from 3 £ to 0.75 pence!!!) well it has to be eaten today since the best before date is for today...and downing Redbull. All that sugar makes me bloated!
I'm ready for BEACH 2009 YAAALLL
Just gonna relax for another 20 minutes, then mentally prepare for my revision. Its only 4 days left but you know when you just cant find the will to do it, you know that if you dont do it it will have consequences but you still cant pull that finger outta your nose to start typing or readin! I just want to see day light!
U can do it:D lite läskig bild på kvinnan tycker jag:P