Had so much coffee today at 2 coffeeshops I was twiching by 8 oclock, couldnt keep my hands or legs still! I just want to give up. But I know I'd kill myself for giving up without completing it, or atleast until its due in...
2.5 weeks ago I lost my USB stick the same day an essay was due in, it was almost completed and 4 hours before it was due in. I just wanted to drop dead and cry, there was no chance in the world I would find all the sources and rewrite it again in 4 hours. Luckily I went back to the place where I used it last time and tadaaaaa my baby was sticking out of a computer! Thank god no one took it. There is hope for humanity...
Back to work I'ma try and act like I have the situation under control and write some more, read some more before I finally fall of the chair while screaming a lullaby to myself.
Good Fight :(
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